Saturday, July 21, 2007

Big Day for ARFE...

...and for SmartWool!
List of stuff Crew Minion Yi Shun and Crew Queen Pamela brought to the SmartWool headquarters in lovely Steamboat Springs, CO:

1. 30 mini notebooks
2. 36 mini gelpens
3. one honking-big laptop
4. one power cord
5. two matching SmartWool tops
6. two matching khaki skirts
7. two matching bike-link bracelets
8. one 1992 Toyota Corolla
9. one considerably speedier Subaru station wagon
10. thirty Leave No Trace Awareness certificates.

That's right, a large number of SmartWool employees and 15 members of the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps are now Leave No Trace Aware!

Earlier this week, we did the same for the good folk at GoLite, our equipment sponsors. Thanks very much for having us!

Oh, what didn't we bring to the headquarters of the best title sponsor ever to walk this earth? A camera.

You'll just have to take our word for it. We were there, we promise.

Thanks, Rob, Dixie, and the folks at SmartWool, for having us! We learned so much from you, and hope you can say the same of us.

Pamela and Yi

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